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Discover importers & exporters and evaluate the market changes with Business Intelligence Data Reports

Our Services

Impex Global  is one of the market leaders in competitive export import market Intelligence from over 90+ countries .We specialize in answering crucial questions facing your business through market research reports. We provide export import competitive intelligence from over 90 countries customs from Bill of Lading, Shipping Bills and Bill of Entries.
Our Reports can help you to works on winning strategy backed by precise and accurate information. Reports are focused on providing quality information to :-
• Find Ideal Buyers, Supplier, Products and Markets.
• Find Ideal Pricing & Quality.
• Optimize Duty & Benefits.
• Judge the Demand.
• Diversify in New Related Product.
• Create your own Buyers.
• Cherry pick strategies.
• Align Stakeholders.
We Provides detailed information for entire business landscape which includes customers, markets, industries. We compile and present customized intelligence reports as per your requirement.
• Reports with Information on price, quantity, buyers, and suppliers.
• Reports with Information to capitalize you on market opportunities by tracking supply-demand shifts.
• Reports with Information to Benchmark your competitor shipments, trading partners, suppliers and strategies.  

Customized Statistical Data

Statistical Data is collected by extensive research of market changes and business intelligence reports about the trading activities of global companies. It covers – 
Importer and Exporter Companies Name, Product Specifications, HS Code,  Value, Shipment Date, Origin and Destination Country,  Quantity, Port Name, etc. 
Statistical Data helps you to Analyze and manage supply chain risks, tracking product demand changes, their prices worldwide, tax and duties on the various products and gaining competitive intelligence.
Customized As Per Client's Requisition
You Ask,We Deliver ! Yes, Impex Global believes in being the perfect business companion and thus be the best link between trades. We offer you the reports and services limitlessly to provide the required leverage to your business. At impex global  we provide Customized Data Solutions so that you can explore various available opportunities to materialize the value offered by your products or services worldwide. You can Track your own shipments and easily compare them with the competitor. Now finding alternate sources of supply is in your hands. Your most demanding requests are fulfilled with great solutions by using our latest technology, strategies and innovative techniques

Intelligent Dashboard, Competitor & Product Research

Ready to use Market Research Dashboard with graphical representation of raw data help you to depict 360 degree consolidated view to :-
• Increase operational efficiency with decision-ready information.
• Make smarter decisions based on greater data accuracy.
• Discover High Profits, Right Price, High Volume and High Growth rate.
• Save Import Duties and Maximize Export Benefits.
• Our Market Intelligence Dashboards can help you switch to Profitable Products, Buyers, Suppliers and Markets.
Competitor & Product Research
Our Team extensively work with strategic approach and techniques to evaluate the specific working of different companies and different products which helps us to find a competitive solution for your business. Another time of importer and exporters are outfitted with a colossal database however can't use it, and there comes the role of Impex Global with a solution as sales guide in their business by  dynamic and data driven decision making, which solves your primary concern.

Analysis Report

We We give Analysis Report on exceptional interest of our customers. It is set up by our statistical surveying specialists in the wake of putting esteem expansion details like Brand, Model, Type, Category, Importer, Exporter, and so forth into the information. Through our examination report, we present information into variable graphs and excel sheets. It helps you to take right choices in your import-export business and discover high yield, right expense and high development rate. This is a special demand analysis report on any nation like India, USA, Indonesia, Russia and some more.


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